MCKC History
About Us
The Mid-Continent Kennel Club of Tulsa, Inc. (MCKC) is a member club of the American Kennel Club (AKC) and a non-profit corporation whose mission is the preservation of our purebred canine heritage and to encourage responsible ownership of all dogs.
As the oldest dog club in the state of Oklahoma, MCKC was established in 1921. MCKC promotes and advances dog sports by conducting AKC dog shows, trials, and tests, while advocating sportsmanlike competition and safe sport at all of our events.
MCKC provides members, dog fanciers, dog owners, and the general public with resources to improve the ongoing relationship between people and their dogs through quality education and community support. Member volunteer and fund-raising efforts, offer support for dog-related non-profit organizations.
MCKC actively promotes the purebred dog as a family companion, advocates for the responsible care of all dogs, and strongly discourages non-selective and uncontrolled breeding practices which produce neglected and abandoned dogs.

MCKC's Legacy of Success